Pure Ecstasy - Highlining at Mönchsbüffel
The Project
Well this line was the cherry on top of an absolutely incredible summer. I feel so spoiled to be able to participate in those kinds of projects. Feels like it will be hard to top these lines...but top them we will!
Big up rigging crew, Kasia, Matze @km_slackliners, Chris Krr und Dom. It was a luxury to arrive when the line was already up. Thank you!
My main man @dyanenghard conquering his fears and walking this line as if it wasn't exposed as hell. Proud of you! Also big thanks for all your planning and administrative work to make this line happen.
The line was 160m long, Y2K, rigged to the Mönchsbüffel, vis a vis of Mürren, far up in the Lauterbrunnen valley.
Special shoutout also to @bernhardwitz who rigged the first lines there ages ago. Was nice you dropped by for a visit :)
My Contributions
Post-production: Editing, color grading, sound mixing
Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland
Personal Project
August 2023