Sound & Music
The Project
In 2019 I travelled in the United States with Moritz Winiger, aiming to produce a documentary on indigenous wisdom and healing. We were invited by Izzi & Adam, twi friends and indigenous brothers. They dedicate their life to their organisation, called 'Ancestral Medicine Revival', which really says it all. During out travels, we met a lot of incredible people and had to capture some of what they had to share. Instead of a trailer, we shot a series of mini-documentaries, in order to capture the essence of what we were trying to share. Sadly Covid-19 made it impossible for us to return to the States to shoot the main film and the project has since been on ice.
The Maka Mamas
We had countless jam sessions during the travelling months on Turtle Island (aka North America) with our dear bro Izzi. Music and its healing power quickly became a central part on our journey and documentary efforts. In Salt Lake City, Izzi introduced us to Shen and Leraine, better known as the Maka Mamas. We probably spoke for less than three minutes, before discovering an array of instruments in their living room. We got jamming immediately for a good hour or two, building a bond stronger than many conversations could. Obviously we had to capture some of their magic...
My Contributions
Directing, in collaboration with Moritz Winiger (MARWIN Productions)
Cinematgraphy, in collaboration with Moritz Winiger (MARWIN Productions)
Post-production: Editing, color grading, sound mixing, in collaboration with Moritz Winiger (MARWIN Productions)
Other Contributions
Produced by MARWIN Productions (Moritz Winiger & Marcial Sommer)
Release Date
The Maka Mamas
June 2020